Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Another Day, Another Chance

So a few weeks ago I found myself sitting alone in a doctor's office trying to take in the words I'd just heard. I'd gone in for a routine checkup but she found something she was "worried" about. The next minute or so sort of blurred together in my mind as a state of worry and panic began to infiltrate my thinking.

How long had I had that? Two years? That really concerns me. We're going to do a biopsy right now. I need to rule out cancer. What else could it be? I don't know.

She left to go have the nurse prep a room for biopsy and I was left alone, hugging my knees to my chest, not knowing what to do or think. I was numb...in a state of quasi-shock I think. I mean, I'm 25...who just goes into a checkup and 10 minutes later is having a biopsy? It's just so unexpected-seeming.

As I sat there, the only thought that came to mind was that I should pray. I immediatley told myself that I didn't know WHAT to pray...I could hardly THINK. Of course I instantly answered my own question and knew that it was ok to not know what to pray...so I just kept saying "Jesus..." over and over until they came and got me.

The biopsy wasn't so bad.

The waiting was a different story.

I finally found out today that all the tests came back clear.

No cancer.

I started to cry.

So now, reflecting back on the past two weeks, here's what I've been reminded of...

There are very few things worth truly getting upset about...very few things.

I love my life and I love my family...the somewhat mundane feeling I'd been having towards everything has been replaced with a sincere gratitude just to get up in the morning.

Despite all the pain and suffering in our world, God is still good...

and, in the words of Nicole Nordeman (b/c she says it best): "we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream, in abundance or in need..."

I'm sure I will need to be reminded of these things again...but for now I'm so thankful that today, everything is ok.


  1. so glad to hear everything is ok.

  2. Sometimes we just need a little reminder that God is still in control and there are a lot of things in life that take on more meaning when we have to face our own mortality.

    A. Nutt

  3. I'm glad everything came back clear. God's grace is amazing!

  4. I'm so glad that everything looks good. I'm thankful with you!

  5. Thanks guys...um...A. Nutt...who are you? :)
