Friday, June 19, 2009

Did You See Those Mountains....?

Thursday was a good day. Despite going to work at 6:30 to finish up my check-out procedures, getting said check-out hijacked (in my opinion) due to a perceived error on a cumulative record, and getting to finally leave, Drew and I went to our first Dodger game! They beat the Oakland A's 3-2 in a great ballgame.

The stadium was full of character with a gorgeous view of mountains and palm trees behind the scoreboard, and our Dodger dogs and peanuts were the perfect compliment. (Because really, is a baseball game a baseball game without seriously overpriced food that normally is just ok, but seems to be all you can think about when you're there)?

The really cool thing is that when we sat down, a man behind us tapped Drew on the shoulder and asked him what class he was. This, to an Aggie, can only mean one thing and one thing only.......that the person asking the question is ALSO an Aggie. The man, his wife, and son were on a baseball trip across the West and were both Aggie graduates. We had a good conversation with them before the game started and it was nice to talk to some Texas people!

Later, the men sitting next to our Aggie friends stole the show I'm afraid. He asked EVERYONE (and I do mean everyone who could be asked) if they'd seen "the mountains at twilight with all the purple...and....." It became a joke by the end of the game because he repeated every. single. thing. he said at least twice.


Did you see those mountains at twilight?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer To-Do List

Well, summer vacation is upon us, although it doesn't feel like it (mentally and weather-wise). Drew will be finished with his summer class by the time I'm finished with regular school, and free completely (in the event he doesn't find a job asap) by the time I'm well under way with teaching summer school (what was I thinking) and taking my own summer school.

So.....on to the list....

1. Teach Migrant Ed summer school. (I tell ya, I'm really looking forward to doing PE with these the summer.....yay).

2. Take and ace Educational Law. (all while looking cute in my new APU jacket)

3. Update this blog on at least a bi-monthly basis.

4. Read and finish the "Twilight" series. Reread "Redeeming Love." Despite it's overly cheesy cover and the fact that I find romance novels in and of themselves to be "overly cheesy," it's a fantastic book and one of my favorites. Read something else of note......not sure what yet.

5. Do some personal writing on my "book." All I will release at this point is the title: "Queens Don't Use Porta-Potties"

6. Visit Tejas, San Diego, Universal Studios (day trip), and Big Sur/San Francisco.

7. Do at least a little pool lounging.

8. Watch Drew willingly study ancient Greek (just for fun) and teach himself German (for Ph.D. studies, but let's face it....also for fun).

9. Watch Drew be the consumate academic....he studies when he doesn't need to and when he's supposedly "taking a year off." Wow. This is the difference between us. I like to learn, but don't find myself going out of my way to do so.

10. Attempt to get some rest and recharge before rebooting for a new class of sixth-graders and 12 units of grad school in the Fall.

11. Go to a couple Dodger games (our first is this Thursday night).

12. Go to a couple of concerts. Right now we're planning on doing ZZ Top/Aerosmith in Irvine and AC/DC....somewhere I'm not sure where they're playing....