Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Would You Like My ID With That?

Let's talk about looking your age.

It is a general and widely held belief that it is a "bad" thing to look your age. Women everywhere start slapping on eye cream before they even graduate from college and Botox injections coupled with a whole host of surgical procedures are rapidly on the rise.

American women do everything within their power to NOT look their age; to hold on as long as possible to youth and vitality.

So what's a girl to do when she has the opposite problem?

I look much younger than my actual age, and yes, Virginia, that IS a problem.

If I had a dollar for everytime someone said, "Oh, but think how great you'll look when you're 50!" Then I could quit my job now and join the ranks of the independently wealthy.

I'm sure they are right.

I do believe that at some point, I will LOVE looking a good ten years younger than I actually am.

But for now I do not love it.

Maybe it's my imagination (I highly doubt it), but there are all sorts of problems associated with my issue. Namely, lack of respect.

I feel that because of my younger-looking status (coupled with my small frame), that even though people know I'm an adult, there is still a subconscious part of them that simply doesn't view me as one. This makes sense. There is a disparity between what they know and what they see in front of them. Alas, not much I can do about that.

What is one supposed to do, though, when they want to be seen as a professional but are really just seen as someone who looks like a high schooler?

Dressing professionally helps some.

This is the only thing I can think of that has.

Anyone else have this problem?

Personal Anecdote Time:

"I'm going to need to see your ID." Said with a disapproving, "I'm about to bust this chick" look.

"Ok, here's your library card application. And we need parental permission forms for everyone under 18."

"You put your age range as 17-27? Oh, you soo should have started with're totally a believable 14 year old." Said by random guy when I signed up to be an extra.

"What are you studying in college?"

"Are you here for freshman orientation?"

"What? YOU'RE the teacher? CAN'T be the teacher." Nervous laughter. "You look so YOUNG!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were a student."

"Oh, I thought you were a student. I was going to have to remind you there is NO cutting in line."

"Sweetie, you're gonna need to go back and get your teacher's copier code before we can let you use the copy machine."

"Where's your hall pass?!" Stares at me and sees ID badge. "Oh, um, I'm sorry, nevermind."

"Mrs. Davis? Are you still in high school?" I tell them no. They lean over and whisper, "See, I told you she wasn't still in high school!"

"Are you lost honey?" Gets a good look. "OH, whoa, Ms. Lindsey, I'm sorry...I definitely thought you were a lost kid."

"What I wouldn't give to look ten years younger..."


1 comment:

  1. i feel your pain. we have a lot in common between this and the name issue.
