Thursday, August 6, 2009

When Did It Get To Be August?

Wow, summer is almost over and mine has hardly begun. This is the point where I would start complaining about that fact but then I remember that most people in the world don't have a summer vacation at all and it is annoying when people who do get a "hiatus" of any kind gripe about how short it is.

Do I get a little bit of a "le sigh" moment since I simulataneously taught summer school and took six units of grad school? Maybe.

On that note, summer school wrapped up about two weeks ago.

We read "Twilight" and finished up the summer watching it. I was the only girl in the room who was on "Team Jacob" if any of you even know what that means. I certainly hope not since it's horribly embarassing that I have succumbed to an overly advertised, teenage girl crazy trend. Most of my life I've tried to not like things oftentimes because they are popular. "Twilight" being case in point, but by no means the first. In high school there was "Harry Potter," followed by Facebook, blogging (gasp), iphones, and now...dare I say it, I think I'm about to get a Twitter account (even though my better judgement is screaming no). To my better judgement: I say...blah...I'm going to do it anyway.

After teaching ended, so did my Ed Law class (I just found out I made an "A" yay)! I learned way too much about California law and answered way too many emails from irate parents with silly questions about...everything. I really enjoyed the class, the people in it, and the professor though.

The day after both of my summer schools ended, Drew was a groomsmen in our friends' Cliff and Heather's wedding. It was beautiful and we are so happy for them!

The very next morning we were at LAX to board our flight for Dallas. We had a really good time at home, seeing Rachel off to the Dominican Republic, forcing Drew's family to watch "Twilight" (they LOVED it, by the way), lots of making fun of our families (all in good fun of course), visiting grandparents, smoking cigars (Drew and Glynn), and watching most of the first season of Laguna Beach with my sister. She was not happy that I saw Lauren Conrad at LAX the morning of our flight. I thought it was pretty cool.

I'm off to spend my last few weeks trying desperately to write as much of my book as possible. It has been hard to get motivated though. Emails of forceful encouragement are greatly appreciated.


  1. ALL I can say is, if you can facebook, blog & twitter, I think I should have the RIGHT to facebook.
    What book??? Tell me more!! yea!!
    AND, I don't like the cigars. hmph...(heehee, sort of?) I thought I had Drew brainwashed!!???
    AND, I knew you'd make an "A"!!! Congratulations!!!
    I love y'all!

  2. Sigh. I know. It's over. Sigh, sigh, sigh. And one might possibly have to work in the public school system to get the whole hiatus thing but it is definitely needed. I no longer feel guilty.

    Get to work on that book! (that is forced encouragement thinly disguised) Can't wait to read it...I am assuming the Queen Mother will get a first edition autographed copy asap!

    Hmmm....the cigar pic. What can I say? Thanks, Drew! You know I love ya!
