Sunday, February 15, 2009

UCLA Road Race

We got up at 4:45 Saturday morning to drive to Pear Blossom/Palmdale, CA (about 1 hour north of LA) for the UCLA road race. Drew ended up coming in 37 out of 75 category 4 and 5 riders! The ride was at about 3,000 feet, it was 26 degrees and there was snow on the ground and ice on the roads. Thankfully, most of the ice had melted by the time Drew's group left. Before we headed home, we drove up the road a bit to see where the San Andreas ran through the area.

Driving up to the race.

Parking in the middle of nowhere (the race was in the middle of nowhere).


A little bit before the start.

Crossing the finish line.

Oh no! I'm standing ON the actual fault line...

(you can't really see, but it looked like a huge ditch that someone tried to dig)

1 comment:

  1. Drew,

    Looks like it was freezing! Glad you both had a good time. Also, why is it called the UCLA race when it is no where close to UCLA?

